Turning lemons into lemonade...

Life has taught me some wonderful lessons that I would like to share with you in this section. I hope in someway, I’m able to inspire you to try something new, think something different, or enjoy the lessons life brings your way with a new perspective.

be the smartest one in the room…

I have learned so many lessons from my time as a student and my time as a college professor. I want to help you with some tips on how to be a better student that I learned while being on both sides of the desk.


The world is my classroom…

Like most of you, I love to travel. In this section, I hope to share with you some of the wonderful places I’ve been able to enjoy and learn from. I hope I inspire you to see the world and allow it to become your favorite classroom to be in.

“If you want to be a leader, you have to be a reader.”

This section focuses on some of the great books I’ve read. I hope you inspire you to pick one up and enjoy it.

A list of my favorite things…

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